xandromedovna wrote in dailyfics Jul 08, 2013 00:02
rating: r, author: xandromedovna, table: a, fandom: advise and consent, genre: angst
xandromedovna wrote in dailyfics Jul 02, 2013 00:04
author: xandromedovna, rating: pg-13, table: a, fandom: advise and consent, genre: hurt/comfort
xandromedovna wrote in dailyfics Jun 30, 2013 23:52
rating: r, author: xandromedovna, genre: slash, table: a, fandom: advise and consent, genre: drama, genre: hurt/comfort
xandromedovna wrote in dailyfics Jun 20, 2013 23:14
genre: alternate universe, author: xandromedovna, rating: pg, table: a, fandom: advise and consent
xandromedovna wrote in dailyfics Jun 13, 2013 19:33
rating: r, author: xandromedovna, genre: slash, table: a, fandom: advise and consent